Rescuing, Sheltering and Rehoming Companion Animals in the Columbia Valley of BC since 2007


Orphaned at 3 weeks old, Chase was chosen by his forever family while in foster care without ever making it onto the website.

August 2015 UPDATE – this little guy named Chase, was orphaned in April 2015 at the age of 3 weeks,  and went into foster care.   Adopted into a loving family who’s daughter also adopted her little girl (Kiki re-named from Betty)  from a different ICAN litter born in April.   Above are photos of Chase at 6 weeks,  Betty (Kiki) and Wilma at 6 weeks and then today, still into boxes and hanging out with family!

Chase’s Momma says:   “Chase is doing so well. Just had his last shots and the vet said he is happy and healthy. He is an amazing addition to the family and we couldn’t have asked for a better kitty!   They have become the best of friends as Kiki comes and visits quite often.”

Kiki apparently follows her Momma around and has been a great addition to her life.   We love happy endings.
