
Above is a picture of Ella standing on her own before going for a walk!
Meet Ella, an adorable girl who joined us in late December. She is a mixed breed, estimated birth date is Sept 13, 2017, and was 14 kg upon arrival. Upon a recommended high protein diet, and special home made food, we’re pleased to report Ella has gained some weight. She is a happy, playful, lovable girl who doesn’t take notice she’s not able to get around like other dogs do.
As a puppy, Ella suffered a pelvic fracture that has resulted in her having substantial difficulty walking. She is able to walk a bit, especially with a sling to assist her. However she does mostly move about by scooting around on her behind, which doesn’t faze her in the least. This girl has a can-do attitude and more! Ella’s doggy smile in the first photo radiates her happiness at having a wonderful foster family and the help she needs to get better!
The great news from the homeopathic veterinarian is that with rehabilitation, as well as laser and VOM (veterinary orthopedic manipulation) work, Ella should become a proficient walker. After several treatments her spine appears straighter, also she has better range of motion in her most affected leg.
If you/a friend/family member are interested in adopting Ella her amazing foster family has shared the following: Ella loves to play with her foster sister, a border collie. She also loves her chew toys and balls, enjoys sitting by the fire, exploring the outdoors or cuddling with her humans. Ella is not a fan of the vacuum cleaner nor sharing her toys or food with other dogs. Due to Ella’s limitations with walking, she needs to be in a home that is carpeted or has lots of area rugs and runners that allow her to get a grip and solid footing.
Ongoing and varied treatments are necessary to assist Ella in achieving greater mobility. This however is resulting in us incurring greater costs with her recovery than anticipated. Please consider providing a donation specific to her rehabilitation. We sincerely appreciate your partnering with us to provide Ella with the best life possible!
Update: We recently had another vet assessment done for Ella. This included X-rays and an extensive examination including standing and walking exercises, to get a better sense of her limitations. Ella’s back right leg has far better better range of motion than when she first arrived at ICAN and we believe laser treatments assisted with that! She is a good candidate for physiotherapy, with efforts to train her to weight her hind legs and use them more. The vet believes with that focus, some good progress would be made with her, especially given she is so young. With your help we can ensure Ella gets all the help she needs and deserves. Thanks for your donations and your good thoughts, they are much appreciated by ICAN and of course by Ella herself!
She has definitely improved since coming into ICAN’s, and her wonderful foster family’s, care!
We applaud Dr. Audrey Remedios and staff at the SAVE – Southern Alberta Veterinary Emergency Clinic in Okotoks. ICAN greatly appreciated your time and care in meeting with and assessing Ella!
Donations can be made by Interac eTransfer to info@icanbc.com (please also email us with your name & address for tax receipts and let us know that your donation is for Ella) or donate via credit card through Canada Helps at https://www.canadahelps.org/en/dn/8588 (in the message section please write that it is for Ella). We will also GRATEFULLY accept cheque or cash donations which can be dropped off at the shelter (call 250-341-7888 to make sure someone is available to take your donation)!
Any donation you can make will be greatly appreciated and make a huge difference! Or, maybe you have a loving home that would be perfect for this little gal. If so:-
Adopted May 2019