Jade – Female
Reunited with Owner!
This silver tabby has a story and is therefore no longer at ICAN. Late last winter someone trapped a couple of semi-feral young cats from the Windermere dump and was working on socializing them. While taking them to the vet for s/n surgeries in late Feb. ( still at old location ) the female named Jade escaped.
It seems that this kitty who was trapped today at ICAN was Jade. Just so you all know we ( ICAN vollies and this lady ) searched for a long time for try to find Jade. We set traps for a couple weeks, and ended up catching a few other kitties and kittens that we then took off the streets, but never again saw hide nor hair of Jade….until today. The lady was overjoyed today to get notification that we might have Jade and came and happily took her home.
Here is the story in Jade’s guardian’s own words:-
MISSING WILD CAT in Athalmere about a year ago!! Meet Jade I lost her roughly a year ago at the vets office the day her and her brother Jag were to get fixed.
I contacted Lana and Sylvia at ICAN who right away assisted me with setting up live traps and eventually a spay/neuter catch and release program in hopes to trap out beloved Jade. Well we had a couple of close calls and false alarms but my oldest son kept hoping we would find her.
Winter ended spring came and than summer and fall and now it’s early winter. Every time we went by or into the industrial park we looked in hopes to catch a glance of Jade but we never caught sight of her. This morning I received a text message from Lana informing me to get in touch with Sylvia that they may have caught our Jade, I was in total disbelief to say the least but I contacted Sylvia and we made a time to meet and compare pictures to the cat that they trapped. And well I’m in total shock I was reunited with Jade.
We came home and reunited her with her brother receiving kisses, she is finally home safe sound and enjoying her cuddles yet again. A huge thank you to all that helped out with the live traps early on in the search for her, and another huge thank you to Lana and Sylvia. A true Life lesson that you never lose hope, miracles do happen!!