Markz – Male – Tuxedo
Estimated birth date: Unknown
Markz was spotted and reported to ICAN as a possibly injured cat near Canadian Tire 4 days before Christmas, 2016. Our volunteer went up and followed his tracks and almost had him in the carrier with food but he got spooked.
The poor little fellow’s back end was one big ice cube and he was only walking on one of his back legs. It took several hours and a call out for assistance from another volunteer, but we finally got him safe and into the Vet where it was determined he had a dislocated hip.
Markz was sadly euthanized dEC 20, 2016. The vet figured that he was a feral and that the aftercare and rehab he would require after his hip surgery just wouldn’t be possible. If it turned out that we did the surgery and he was a feral, then we would be sending a compromised cat out there to fend for himself. RIP sweet little man.