Shadow October, 2012
A success story!
Shadow is back! The odds of our skinny house cat surviving more than a few days outdoors are slim, but after 10 days of just that, we got a call from ICAN volunteer, Lana, to say he’d been found! Shadow was rescued by Sylvia after a call into ICAN by Andrew at Bishop’s Books in Fairmont.
At the Invermere Veterinary Hospital, he was expertly and compassionately treated for hypothermia and dehydration by Dr. Bruce Thiessen and the ICAN volunteers, Lana and Sylvia.
During the next 24 hours at home, his future seemed dicey. It was consumed by a lot of love, sleep, warm blankets and food and water served through a syringe. Finally, he began to make small independent movements, like lifting his head and gained a little strength every hour. Now, he looking steadier on his legs, eating and drinking on his own and it seems he’s on the way to a full recovery.
Thank you to the volunteers at ICAN for making the ending of Shadow’s story a success story.